Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Project Timeline

This blog article serves as the initial reference timeline for my project. Initially I was going to attempt to post something visual, like a PNG or PDF of a graphical timeline, but I have been unable to find a way to do so that I feel is suitable to be read on a blog. I am exploring ProjectLibre to become the general tool for managing our project, but it didn't seem feasible to upload anything from that program into this blog (Although maybe it is and I just didn't see it!).


The timeline is focused around central Milestones. This being the case, before I go into the dates on the calendar I want to outline what those Milestones will be (Subject to change of course.)
For the time being, I am only listing must have milestones. If we are ahead of schedule, there will be several additional milestones we target as well. These I will define at a later date.


  • Milestone 1
    • After discussing with team, decide on concrete technologies (web server type, programming language, target platforms) for project.
  • Milestone 2
    • Have initial documentation for Social Network Protocol complete.
    • Have initial documentation for Social Network Aggregator Application Complete.
    • Decide on better names for both of the above.
  • Milestone 3
    • Finish prototype implementation of Social Network Protocol.
    • Provide test suites for prototype implementation.
    • Provide deliverable quality Social Network Protocol documentation.
    • Provide working draft quality Social Network Aggregator Application documentation.
  • Milestone 4
    • Complete core libraries for reading from Social Network Protocol in the Social Network Aggregator Application.
    • Complete at least one handler for at least one social network.
    • Provide test suites for core libraries and social network handlers
    • Provide complete Social Network Aggregator Application documentation.
  • Milestone 5
    • Complete core GUI for prototype implementation.
    • Provide test suites for GUI codebase.
    • Provide alpha 0.1 release of application.
  • Milestone 6
    • Provide alpha 1.0 release of the application.
    • Provide addition test suites for all codebases.
    • Have website up to market the application/protocol.


Note, events listed as Completed on a given week, must be completed by the end of said week. Events listed without a Completed identifier, should be worked on during that week. Events that are not completed in a given week still require visible progress on the event to be shown to the client during the meets. This is to say that all weeks must be moving towards delivery (There are no weeks off!)
  • Week 1
    • Milestone 1 - Completed
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Inform the client of the specific technologies that we will be using and motivate their use. That is to say, we can't say we are writing this program in Lisp, just because Lisp macros are off the hook.
  • Week 2
    • Milestone 2 - Completed
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Present documentation for both the application and the protocol.
      • Get feedback on functionality that might be added/removed/made optional etc.
  • Week 3
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show client updates to documentation.
      • Demo any prototypes that we currently have (Optional this week)
    • Milestone 3
  • Week 4
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show client updates to documentation.
      • Demo prototype to client (Does not have to be complete, but must show something.)
    • Milestone 3
  • Week 5
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show deliverable quality documentation for Social Network Protocol.
      • Show updates to Social Network Aggregator documentation.
      • Demo final prototype Social Network Protocol implementation.
      • Show that demo passes test cases.
    • Milestone 3 - Completed
  • Week 6
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show updates to Social Network Aggregator Documentation.
      • Inform client of the first social network we will target for handler.
    • Milestone 4
  • Week 7
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show updates to Social Network Aggregator Documentation (Should be pretty much done at this point.)
      • Show visible progress on core library implementation. Passing test cases, pulling data, etc.
      • Show visible progress on social network handler. Passing test cases, pulling data, etc.
    • Milestone 4
  • Week 8
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Demo core libraries and social network handlers.
      • Provide complete documentation set.
      • Show code passes our test cases.
      • Show GUI design ideas to client and get feedback.
    • Milestone 4 -- Completed
  • Week 9
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Discuss marketing with client. (Website, etc.)
      • Show GUI prototypes to client.
    • Milestone 5
  • Week 10
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show more GUI progress to client.
    • Milestone 5
  • Week 11
    • Meeting with client. - Completed
      • Show final 0.1 alpha version to client.
      • Discuss final marketing information.
    • Milestone 5 - Completed
  • Week 12
    • Meeting with client - Completed
      • Show final 1.0 alpha version to client.
    • Milestone 6 - Completed


  1. Social network handler
    A piece of code that exposes a given social network through the Social Network Protocol.

  2. Version numbers x.y
    Changes in x reflect major releases. Changes in y reflect bug fix releases. Version numbering starts at 0.1

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