Sunday, April 6, 2014


Over this semester I have had a very interesting experience with meetings in my group. Generally our group has met at least once a week often more than that, and observing these meetings has been strange. Often it seems that we are get very little done during the course of the meeting. We discuss some high level topics and that is about it. It seems that most of the real discussion actually takes place in email chains and the like. This is not to say that the meetings are bad, on the contrary they are perhaps the some of the most enjoyable times during my week. It seems that our group has the fortunate (or unfortunate) issue of getting along too well. We get along so well during our meetings that is is hard to keep them from becoming just hang out sessions.

Reflecting upon this, I am not actually sure it is a bad thing. Certainly we have somewhat of a hard time accomplishing the tasks we wish to accomplish during the meeting, but they do get done shortly thereafter in emails and other forms of communications. Also I feel like the group bonding time is really good for our cohesiveness as a team.

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