Saturday, March 8, 2014

On remembering to not be stupid

This post isn't a joke. I very frequently read scientific studies or articles or papers about the various things that people do that actually prevent them from being as happy and productive as they would like to be. Many of the things that I read about I actually do myself. Nevertheless, although I have amassed this great amount of knowledge about how to be productive and more happy, I put very little of it into effect.

For instance, I am by nature have a higher than average propensity for anxiety. Caffeine is highly correlated with an increase in anxiety (among several other negative things), and yet I still drink coffee several times a day. Sleep is another big one. Getting the correct amount of sleep is highly correlated with increase performance everywhere all the time in everything and yet I frequently get less than six hours of sleep. Why do I do this? Because even though I know this it feels like it isn't true. It feels like coffee helps me, rather than hurts me. It feels like working through the night helps me, rather than hurts me. So I need to remember to not listen to my feelings and not be stupid. This is especially important during very difficult school semesters.

So with that note, off to bed.

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