Saturday, March 29, 2014

IDEs and Emacs

So I am an emacs guy. I love emacs. I want to use emacs for everything I code. Unfortunately, emacs does not have great support for Java, which we are using for our project. In the past I have used Eclipse for Java, but this time through I thought I would try Intellij IDEA.

Intellij is a very good IDE, but it doesn't really understand the web framework we are using with our application, and so it tells us that our code is broken, even though it isn't. So for the first time ever, I decided to attempt to code a large Java project in emacs. It has been an interesting experience.

I find that I understand the application much better writing it in emacs. I have to manage all the imports myself and as such I have a much clearer understand about how the dependencies work. On the other hand, I definitely code Java slower in emacs.

I am still not sure which way I prefer for coding Java. I mean emacs Java features are terrible, but emacs general features are awesome.

Perhaps I will make another post later in the semester after I have made a more formal evaluation of the two in comparison to each other.

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