Saturday, March 29, 2014


As we are moving into a new phase of development in our application, I find that our development roles are changing. As we started out work on this application, there was a clear division on labor. We each had our own part of the codebase that we owned.

Now that things are farther along, and many core features are nearing a complete state, we are having to shift roles working more intimately on each other codes.

This is an interesting transition for us and it is revealing a lot of issues we hadn't noticed before. For instance, until recently I only had a passing understanding how our database setup worked. Before now, I didn't need to know how it worked, it wasn't my code, I just used the API that my teammate made. Recently I had to work more directly with the DB code. I found myself spending quite a bit of time just working through the code before even getting to the issue, even though it had been in the application for a long time.

I think all of us are having this issue. It will be a little bit of a set back as we have to learn to work with code that we didn't right, but probably a good experience.

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